Be Informed
Most communities may be impacted by several types of hazards during a lifetime. In Alabama, we face a variety of weather-related emergencies including severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, lighting, hurricanes, flash flooding, river flooding, heat waves, dangerous cold snaps and occasional ice storms. Knowing what to do before, during and after an emergency is a critical part of being prepared and may make all the difference when seconds count.
Some of the basic protective actions are similar for multiple hazards. For example, safety is necessary when experiencing all hazards, whether this means sheltering or evacuating depends on the specific emergency. Developing a family communications plan or making an emergency supply kit are the same for accidental emergencies, natural disasters and also terrorism. However, there are important differences among potential emergencies that should impact the decisions you make and the actions you take.
Before a disaster, learn how you will know there is an impending hazardous event. Familiarize yourself with the signs of events that come without warning and know the local advance alerts and warnings and how you will receive them. Knowing about the local emergency plans for shelter and evacuation and local emergency contacts will help you develop your household plan and will also aid you during a crisis.
Learning what to do in different situations and developing and customizing your plans for your local hazards, the locations frequented by members of your household and the specific needs of household members including animals will help you reduce the impact of disasters and may save lives and prevent injuries. (courtesy
There are many ways to stay informed about potential emergency events in your area. For weather related emergencies, the National Weather Service NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts relay vital watch and warning information for your specific county or community. Your area may have tornado sirens. Please remember that tornado sirens are only designed to warn people outdoors, not indoors. Do not rely on tornado sirens for your tornado emergency plan for your home or business.
Stay tuned to local television and radio stations that provide severe weather coverage. Monitor reliable internet and social media sites for additional information.
National Weather Service Birmingham
National Weather Service Huntsville
National Weather Service Mobile
National Weather Service Tallahassee FL (Includes Coffee, Dale, Geneva, Houston and Henry Counties in Alabama)