Ready Baby

Ready Baby is a targeted outreach campaign to pregnant women and families with small children teaching the importance of preparedness for family resiliency. You’ve got rattles, pacifiers and toys, all the things a baby enjoys. But when a disaster hits, do you have a baby emergency kit?
A baby’s 3-Day emergency kit could be an extra diaper bag with everyday essential items tailored to your baby’s needs. The items are as follows:
Small Toys (Don’t forget favorite stuffed animals)
Diapers and baby wipes
Milk or formula
Powders, creams or ointments
Bottles and extra nipples
Baby food
Sheets, blankets, rubber pads
Portable crib
Plastic bags
Hygiene items such as hand sanitizer
Any medications your child takes
If your baby has special health needs, you should have a copy of an emergency medical treatment plan created by your doctor.
Often times, the needs of babies are left out during the emergency preparedness planning process. In a disaster situation, it is the baby’s family that can provide the most effective care. Therefore, families should prepare for a disaster with their baby’s needs in mind.
Here are a few organizations and web sites devoted to babies and children:
American Academy of Pediatrics
“Disaster Preparedness to Meet Children’s Needs”
Administration for Children and Families Child Care Bureau
Center for Disease Control
“Caring for Children in a Disaster”
Baby Center
“How to Prepare for an Emergency”